Thursday, May 21, 2009

Precious Black Cat - Freebie ! / Chat noir précieux - Gratuit !

♥♥♥ Good evening my friends. Tonight my heart is bleeding so bad and is filled with sadness. I am sure that a lot of you are unaware of little Victoria's story. Victoria is (or was should I say) and 8-year old sweety, living in the Province of Ontario (Canada). Six weeks ago, on-site cameras were showing Victoria leaving her school with an unknown woman. Yesterday, the police arrested two persons: one 28-year old man and his accomplice, an 18-year old girl. Because the whole case is under court secrecy, the media don't have a lot to say apart that they have certified that little angel Victoria is dead, probably murdured by the man with the complicity of the woman. The body of Victoria is still missing... IN WHAT KIND OF A WORLD ARE WE LEAVING IN ? Can someone answer ??? I am soooooo shocked, so in pain, so revolted. All we hear in our days is stories like this one and I cannot tolerate it anymore. I am an extremely sensitive person and I have tremedous difficulty dealing with such news. I hereby urge you to protect your children from the Internet (there are a lot of good parental softwares out there that are called "nannies" and that deny your children access from going to sites where pedophiles go), educate them on security, on strangers and also on any kind of suspicious adult. And please, let them know you love them and that you will always be there to protect them. And please do so.
Tonight's freebie represents the eye of a black cat, designed with gems. I would like to say more, but right now, I can't, I'm too devastated. So, good night and don't forget to love and protect your children, it's such a mad mad world out there.

♥♥♥ Bonsoir mes amis. Ce soir, mon coeur saigne tellement et il est tout simplement rempli d'une immense tristesse. Je suis certaine que la plupart d'entre vous ne connaissez pas l'hisoitre de la petite Victoria. Victoria a (ou avait je devrais dire) 8 ans. Elle habitait la province de l'Ontario (au Canada). Voilà maintenant six semaines, des caméras vidéo ont capté ses dernières images. Elle quittait l'école avec une dame inconnue. Hier, les policiers ont procédé à l'arrestation de deux personnes: un homme de 28 ans et sa complice, une femme de 18 ans. Parce que toute cette histoire est sous le sceau du secret de la cour, les médias n'ont pas grand chose à dire à part que Victoria est bel et bien décédée, apparemment tuée par cet homme et sa complice. Le corps de Victoria n'a pas encore été retrouvé... DANS QUEL GENRE DE MONDE VIVONS-NOUS ? Quelqu'un peut-il répondre ??? Je suis si choquée, si peinée et si révoltée. Tout ce qu'on entend ces temps-ci sont ce genre d'histoires et je ne peux plus les tolérer. Je suis une personne très très sensible et j'ai énormément de difficulté à digérer ces horreurs. Je vous conjure toutefois de protéger vos enfants de l'Internet (il y a beaucoup de logiciels sur le marché qu'on appelle communément des "nanny" qui bloquent l'accès aux sites les plus convoités par les pédophiles de toutes sortes. Éduquez et enseignez à vos enfants la sécurité, mettez les en garde contre les étrangers et tous les adultes au comportement suspect. Et, s'il-vous-plaît, dites à vos enfants que vous les aimez et que vous serez toujours là pour les protéger. Et, de grâce, faites-le.

Le freebie de ce soir représente l'oeil d'un chat noir, fait à partir de pierres précieuses. Je voudrais bien vous en dire plus, mais pour ce soir, j'en suis incapable. Alors, je vous souhaite une bonne nuit et n'oubliez pas de protéger vos enfants, c'est un monde dément au-dehors.
Love always, Karm.


  1. Dear Karm, it is really sad the world we live in... You're absolutely right that we need to always teach, guide, and protect our children at EVERY level! There are no guarantees, but if we do our very best, more than likely they will be smart and aware. The only consolation I have when these evil things happen is that one day all will be equalized... the evil will receive their punishments, and the victims will receive their glory... because, you see, I believe that innocent victims receive extra 'blessings' because of what they endured at someone else's hand. I'm sending you an E-HUG and I hope you can feel some peace about this... but grieving is a very natural thing.. even if we don't know the victim, our hearts are so empathetic that we feel the pain too

  2. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Elements or Papers post on May. 22, 2009. Thanks again.

  3. Our thoughts are with little Victoria's parents, and also unfortunately the many others who are in a similar situation. A 4yr old English girl, Madeleine McCann was taken whilst on holiday 2 years ago with her parents, they still do not know what has happened to her. May your cat's eye, for which I say thank you, be a symbol for us to remember to "keep an eye out" for others.

  4. Hi Susie, hun. I was happy to read your comment as I was so devastated earlier this week. I am like you, I tend to think that these children do receive extra blessings and I also believe that what comes around, goes around, if not on this earth, when facing our Lord. Thank you so much for your E-Hug and I am giving you back a huge E_Hug also xxx

  5. Hi Mungo my friend. Very nice to see you around :) I was aware of Maddie's story. For what seem to be the longest time, I have read, on the Internet, everything that was published. Every day and every night, my prayers and thoughts go to all these little angles and to their family. May these little souls rest in peace and may the parents find peace. Thank you, Mungo, for being here :)
